Evaluating the quality of machine translation output with HTER in domain-specific textual environment


  • Olena Karpina Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University




HTER; MT quality evaluation; post-editing; edit distance; MT error; Google Translate; DeepL


The implementation of neural networks in MT systems design has greatly challenged the existence of human translation. The emergence of translating models which adopt mechanisms of translation, imitating the work of the human brain, aroused high expectations of immediate breakthrough. However, despite significant improvements in accuracy and fluency of AI-powered MT systems, human assistance remains essential in the translation process.

Author Biography

Olena Karpina, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

PhD in Philology (Germanic Languages), Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics Department


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How to Cite

Karpina, O. . (2023). Evaluating the quality of machine translation output with HTER in domain-specific textual environment. Linguistic Studies, 85-99. https://doi.org/10.31558/1815-3070.2023.46.8



SECTION ІІІ. Applied Linguistics: Trends and Aspects of Studies