Semantic Interpretation of «Ground» Concept in Ulas Samchuk’s Novels «Mariia» and «On Firm Ground».


  • Yuliia Artemova department of Ukrainian language named after prof. Kalenyk Shulzhuk of Rivne State University of Humanities



concept, «Ground» concept, linguocultureme, semantic interpretation, Ulas Samchuk, Ukrainian literature of the ХХ century


«Ground» concept is a core element of U. Samchuk’s sphere of concepts as well as of Ukrainian people in general. Thanks to verbalization of the above-mentioned concept in imaginative composition as part of linguocultural information of specific cultural society represented by the writer, it reflected authors and collective apprehension of the image of «Ground». The analysis of semantic interpretation of «Ground» concept in U’Samchuk’s novels «Mariia» and «On firm Ground» enables to follow up the specifics of generation of this type of archetype in the language image of the author’s world.

Author Biography

Yuliia Artemova, department of Ukrainian language named after prof. Kalenyk Shulzhuk of Rivne State University of Humanities

second year postgraduate of the specialization 035 “Philology”


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SECTION V. Issues of Text Linguistics, Discourse Studies, and Cognitive Linguistics