The Principles of Linguistic Constructing Emotions in Discourse.
a communicative situation, constructing, discourse, an emotion, a reference situationAbstract
Еmerge from a contextual analysis, a discourse analysis and a content analysis (Textanz software, Concordance option) of 17 electronic editions of written English media discourse of different genres for the period of 2006-2017. Findings encompass nine socio-cultural features of constructing distress as a feeling of extreme unhappiness: ‘family’, ‘death’, ‘life’, ‘freedom’, ‘justice’, ‘support’, ‘hope’, ‘truth’, ‘time’. The analyses elicited the following reference situations which frame the embodied emotion socially and culturally: ‘Loss’, ‘Maternal and childbirth separation’, ‘Frustration’, ‘Illness, disorder, or injury’, ‘Difficult situation’, ‘Physical violence’, ‘Moral violence’, ‘Dangerous situation’.References
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