Key Sign as an Influential Basis in the Structure of the Linguistic-Semiotic Code of Advertising Communication: Problems of Identification.
advertising communication, linguistic-semiotic code, key sign, addressee, suggestion, manipulationAbstract
Key sign is a core of the structure of the linguistic-semiotic code of advertising communication, its maximally informative and pragmatically significant element.
We conducted the identification of key signs in two stages. At the first stage, we identified the key signs on the verbal level with the help of the methods of observation and Milton-model identification. On the example of communicative codes, which represent the addressee of advertising, we have installed that their verbal key signs are pragmonyms, verbs, nouns, which denote the denominations, pronouns I / me / us / ours. At the second stage, we determined the key signs on the nonverbal (visual) level with the help of the method of observation. Non-verbal key signs of communicative codes are homogeneous (logos, figures, graphic slogans) and heterogeneous (visually-shaped, visually-kinesthetic and visually-auditory).
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