Qualificative and Representative Expression of the National Character in the Language (Based on the Concept of DEATH).


  • L. Fedoryuk Донецький національний університет


mentality, linguistic picture of the world, individual author's picture of the world, the concept of national character, conceptualization


Among the most priority problems of modern cognitive linguistics, the most important one is to study the language according to the ethnic culture of a particular nation. Language is seen as a definite conceptual system and as a form of conceptual system knowledge of the world. Relevance of the work emerges from the need to study the interaction of language and thinking, language and cultural interest in the knowledge of mentality. We describe the process of conceptualization of the fragment of reality in terms of the concept of DEATH considering the language material from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. Conceptualization is one of the cognitive processes of human activity that leads to the concepts formation.

Author Biography

L. Fedoryuk, Донецький національний університет

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SECTION V. Issues of Text Linguistics, Discourse Studies, and Discourse Analysis