Grammatical Conception of Yuriy Shevel'ov: Nominative ↔ Vocative in the System of Substantial Categoriality.


  • A. Zahnitko Донецький національний університет


grammatical conception of Yuriy Shevel'ov, vocative, nominative, potential subject, addressee, mediated secondary element of the sentence


Analysis of Yuriy Shevel'ov’s approaches to the interpretation of the morphological tier of language, as well as his examination of particular phenomena of this level – substantiality, verbality, and others – reflects not only the author's understanding itself of all the grammatical system as a whole, and morphological one in particular, but also represents the features of modification of scientific approaches in the history of linguistic thought of mid-twentieth century, its strengthening in the studies of the XX – XXI century. The researcher’s definition of nominative and vocative cases as interrelated within the categorical substantiality is of particular importance.

Author Biography

A. Zahnitko, Донецький національний університет

доктор філологічних наук, професор, член-кореспондент НАН
України, в.о. завідувача кафедри загального та прикладного мовознавства і слов’янської філології


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SECTION І. Current Issues of Morphology