Prepositional paradigmaticity: semantics and positionality


  • Anatolii Zahnitko Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



morphology of the preposition; syntax of the preposition; semantic structure of the preposition на; semantic core; spatial semantics of the preposition на; prepositional equivalent


The question of the qualification of prepositional categorization has a long history. Its distinction and status in the part-of-speech linguistic system are debatable. The most popular is the definition of a preposition as the functional and/or non-self-dependent part-of-speech, which contains an internal contradiction, since functionality and/or non-self-dependency do not involve the definition of the corresponding functional potential, as well as the qualification of semantics types.

Author Biography

Anatolii Zahnitko, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Professor at the Department of General and Applied Linguistics and Slavic Philology


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How to Cite

Zahnitko, A. . (2023). Prepositional paradigmaticity: semantics and positionality. Linguistic Studies, 17-34.



SECTION І. Current Issues of Morphology and Word formation