Visual Art And Videogame As The Origin Of New Digital Poetry Genres


  • Olena Pozharytska Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова



visual/video-and-audio/visual-and-audio poems; poems-videogames; interactivity; ludative nature; digital poetry; immersion


Modern technologies have not only helped modern people in their daily routine, but also evoked a new form of literature, basing on digital devices, written with their help or performed by them. Thus, digital literature and poetry in particular are more and more frequently becoming the object of linguistic interest.

Author Biography

Olena Pozharytska , Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова

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How to Cite

Пожарицька , О. (2021). Visual Art And Videogame As The Origin Of New Digital Poetry Genres. Linguistic Studies, 225-234.



SECTION V Issues of Text Linguistics, Discourse Studies, and Cognitive Linguisti