Different Implicit Means in the Hinting Strategy. To the Problem of Implicitness in Modern Linguistics (On the Material of English Language).


  • L. Hnatiuk Вища школа комп’ютерних наук та менеджменту (м. Перемишль, Польща).


intertextual, extra-linguistic, pragmatic presuppositions, conventional implicature, pragmatic implicature, implicitness, effectiveness, the Hinting Strategy, interpersonal communication


The investigation of implicitness as the core of the Hinting Strategy is the current research issue because of the growth of interest in the modern linguistics to the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction. Generalization of various implicit means in communicative material which determine the effectiveness of interpersonal communication under conditions of interpersonal interaction allows to develop the appropriate models of their practical application.


L. Hnatiuk, Вища школа комп’ютерних наук та менеджменту (м. Перемишль, Польща).

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Hnatiuk, L. (2016). Different Implicit Means in the Hinting Strategy. To the Problem of Implicitness in Modern Linguistics (On the Material of English Language). Лінгвістичні студії, 39-42. Abgerufen von https://jlingst.donnu.edu.ua/article/view/3043



РОЗДІЛ V. Проблеми лінгвістики тексту, дискурсології, дискурс-аналізу