Approaches to Revealing the Conceptual Content of Literary Texts (Cognitive-discursive and Lingual-aesthetic Perspective).
DOI:íčová slova:
Literary text, discourse, litarery concept, conceptualization, literary/poetic imageAbstrakt
The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss approaches and general principles aimed at revealing the conceptual content of literary text proceeding from a) understanding the literary concept as correlation of its cognitivediscursive and lingual-aesthetic manifestations which exist in the inseparable unity and b) the specificity of literary communication that determines the dialogic nature of literary concept emerging as a superposition of cultural, historical, ideological senses in its semantic structure that arose in the result of common creative reflections of the author and the reader. The process of reconstructing author’s conceptual system was based on the poetry of William Wordsworth as the source of illustrative material.Reference
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