Metonymy as Semantic Mechanism of Creation Language Game in Dovlatov’s Creativity.
DOI:íčová slova:
language game, semantic mechanism, metonymy, comic effect, irony, individual styleAbstrakt
The conducted research allows us to find out typical features due to functioning metonymy, as a semantic mechanism for creating language game, in S. Dovlatov's early and mature works of art. The early period of S. Dovlatov's creative work is characterized by the predominant use of partitive and attributive metonymy types for creation a comic effect. Local metonymy “the container – its contents” model is a widespread local metonymy model for both periods: the early and the mature ones of the writer's creativity. The causal type of metonymic transferences greatly prevails over other types of metonymy in the mature literary works of S. Dovlatov’s.Сreation of characters’ nicknames with causal metonymy is considered to be the characteristic feature of S. Dovlatov’s individual style. Many headlines of S. Dovlatov’s mature stories are based on causal or local metonymy types.Reference
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