Grammatical Representation of Motive of Meditative and Contemplative Loneliness (a Case Study of the Russian-Language Poetry of the XIXth -XXIst Centuries).
Klíčová slova:
meditative loneliness, contemplative loneliness, text with singular dominant, morphological dominant, poetic textAbstrakt
Condensation of the same type morphological forms in the poem is the basis of the author's selection, leading to the formation of morphological dominants of different types. Russian-language poetic texts with singular morphological dominant are often related to the expression of the motive of loneliness. The singular morphological dominant contributes to the actualization of the motive of meditative and contemplative loneliness and to the expression of a special psychological state of solitude, inner concentration, detachment. Meditative and contemplative loneliness is a special type of "positive" lyrical loneliness, that is not associated with negative emotions.Reference
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