The Urgency of Genetic Proximity of the Opposition of Otsutstviye (Absence) – Prysutstviye (Presence) for Cognitive Studies of Notion Otsutstviye (Absence).
Klíčová slova:
cognitive linguistics, the methods of the etymological analysis and the semantic interpretation, the notions otsutstviye – prisutstviye (absence – presence)Abstrakt
Notions otsutstviye – prisutstviye are basic for understanding a number of other notions directly connected with a certain ethnos. For a native speaker of Russian the notions otsutstviye – prisutstviye and otsutstviye – nalichiye (lack – availability) are fundamental in both philosophical and everyday meaning. These oppositions reveal etymological roots and connections with the words sut‘, suschestvovat‘, byt‘, bytiye, nalichiye, litso. Mental importance of the abstract notions under consideration has been preserved as proved by the data on the frequency of use of lingual representations of the notions otsutstviye – prisutstviye.Reference
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