The Names of Physicians in Middle English: Ethymological Composition, Functional Differentiation and Chronological Stratification.
chronological stratification, functional differentiation, language determinant, Middle English, names of physicians, occupational termsAbstract
The aim of the research is to reconstruct the development of the semantic subsystem of names of physicians in Middle English by establishing the specifics of the support of the internal determinant of the semantic group of occupational terms in Middle English at the level of the series of synonyms by performing the tasks of the analysis of the etymological composition of their word-stems, functional differentiation and chronological stratification of their first written attestations. The subject of the study is the etymological composition, functional differentiation and chronological stratification of the Middle English names of physicians. The object of the study is the semantic group of occupational terms, in particular the series of synonyms – the names of physicians (common nouns and proper names) as a subsystem of the semantic sub-group of the names of persons engaged in the intellectual activity.References
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