Functional-comunicative Innovations in Modern Syntax: Objective Space.


  • Anatoliy Zahnitko Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



segmentation, complement, functional-communicative innovation, objective syntax, logization


The purpose of the research is to define qualification and classification parameters of segmentation, amplification within the limits of implementation of distinctions of functional-communicative innovations including defining the substantive and / or non-favourite linear-contextual, both text-oriented vertical and text-oriented horizontal positions. The defined purpose evokes resolving the relevant tasks: 1) to qualify segmentation and amplification within the distinction category; 2) to determine the main variety of functional-communicative innovations in linear-contextual in-sentence and text-oriented vertical paradigm; 3) to classify segmentation, parceling, logization in the lingual-social objective-syntactic dimension; 4) to define functional yield of segmentation and amplification, violation of internal syntagmatic deviant from coordination within the in-sentence structure; 5) to characterize correspondence of centripetal and centrifugal forces in the in-sentence structure with distinctive strong points.

The theoretical value of the research is caused by deep distinction reasoning in objective linguo-social grammar on the syntax and morphology levels including defining segmentation and amplification status, logization in the structure of the distinction category. The novelty of the analysis is defined by distinction clarification in diverse in-system units (internal textual formations) and distinguishing its correlation with other equal and non-equal derivatives. The practical value of the study is foregrounded by the opportunity to use its results in the university practical courses on syntax of the language theory and general linguistics, scientific researches on active processes in grammar harmony of Ukrainian and other Slavonic languages investigations.

Author Biography

Anatoliy Zahnitko, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

доктор філологічних наук, професор, член-кореспондент НАН України, завідувач кафедри загального та прикладного мовознавства і слов’янської філології


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SECTION І. Theory of Language