The Nominative Sentences in Functional Aspect.


  • Lyudmyla Ostrovska Інститут філології Чорноморського національного університету імені Петра Могили



nominative sentences, the functioning of the nominative sentences, formally similar structures to the nominative sentences, syncretism of the semantics of the nominative sentences, intonation of the nominative sentences, communicative-pragmatic parameters


In linguistics the study of the nominative sentences has already had a significant history, during which the scientists have raised and quite successfully solved the problems of structural-semantic peculiarities of the nominative sentences (I. Vykhovanets, P. Dudyk, A. Zahnitko, L. Lons'ka), their structural-functional varieties (I. Sushyns'ka), the correlation of formal-syntactic and semantic-syntactic features of the main component of the mononuclear nominative sentence (L. Koval'), the possibility of showing of expressivity by them (Z. Korzhak, Z. Kotsyuba), imperative sentence modality (S. Kharchenko), the problem of functional-stylistic specificity of the nominative sentences (T. Shevchenko), comparative analysis of the nominative sentences (O. Shvecz ').

Author Biography

Lyudmyla Ostrovska, Інститут філології Чорноморського національного університету імені Петра Могили

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри української філології, теорії та історії літератури


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SECTION ІІІ. Theoretical Issues of Syntax