Morphological Dominant of Gender and Gender Rhythm in Russian-language Poetic Texts of New Time.
morphological dominant, gender category, selection, condensation of morphological form, morphological rhythm, poetic textAbstract
Nowadays the actuality of the study of morphological units functioning in the poetic speech and the investigation of the expressive potential of normative grammatical forms usage in poetic texts is determined by general anthropocentric orientation of philological researches and predetermined by the tasks of modern linguopoetics. The problem of the functioning of the same type morphological forms in the piece of poetry still remains insufficiently studied. An advanced direction of modern linguopoetics is the one that considers the phenomenon of concentration of similar morphological forms within a particular text space or its fragment and leads to the formation of the morphological dominant, by which we mean the predominant morphological form in the text and / or the grammatical meaning created by the juxtaposition of forms, which are frequent in the text and related to its content.References
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