To the Issue of Creation the Automatic Vocabulary of Word Combinations of the Ukrainian Language.
automatic semantic analysis, automatic syntactic analysis, automatic phrases dictionary, computer grammar, ablative case, semantic relation, syntactic relationAbstract
The experiment on all ablative case phrases (prepositional and non-prepositional) abstracting from publicistic texts subcorpus of the Ukrainian Language Corpus is conducted. About 2,000 collocations consisting ablative case of an adjunct are processed (993 adverbial, 604 ad-substantive, 184 ad-adjectival).
Ablative case in the Ukrainian language is multifunctional. The choice of a certain case word form a speaker makes from seven possible, except lexical meaning of a word form and the character of syntactic relations, is connected with the meaning of the case which fulfils different semantic functions: the tool of action (Ukr. бити ломом асфальт (to break concrete with a scrap)), the instrument of action (Ukr. дістатися машиною (to get by car)), a subject of action (Ukr. газета видається університетом (a newspaper is published by the university)), the object of action (Ukr. дівчина знизала плечима (a girl shrugged her shoulders)), predicate features (Ukr. він був студентом (he was a student)) and others.
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