Assistance of Computer Technologies in Examination of Compound Words at the Phonetic Level.
computer technologies, phonetic level, computer program, proportions of constructing complex words, “golden proportion” method, harmonic relations.Abstract
Informational technologies are based on digital data only. Thus, analogue sound signals of compound words phonation should be transformed into digital ones. This can be done with the help of an integrated sound card. The author suggests using the “Audacity” program to examine compound words of Ukrainian language origin. This program offers a wide range of options including microphone record, sound separation, and measurement each of its fragment duration.
Correlation of the whole word phonation duration is an important aspect of this research. Analysis of the numerical values of phonation duration in compound words’ elements demonstrates their consistency patterns. These correlations prove to be not just random numbers, but reliable data corresponding with the “golden” P and S proportions. The Audacity-pronounced compound word “wind-flower” is given as an intonogram’s example. The compound word construction correlation equals to 1.705, fitting into the range of harmonic S-proportions. Thus, construction correlation of “wind-flower” is harmonic at the phonetic level.
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