Methodical Terms in English Language.


  • Yulia Tsymbal Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова



term, morphological value, linguo-didactic terminology, single-component terms, multielement terms


Having investigated ways of formation of terms in methodical terminology the following was defined. Terms on the structure are simple (brief), difficult and compound. Brief terms are a basis on which any term system including the linguo-didactic as they call basic concepts and is names of primary concepts is under construction.

The majority of terms is formed in the morphological way which is based on affixation (i.e. addition of prefixes: interact, revise; suffixes: metathesis, pedagogic, involvement, learning, teacher, dictation; prefixes and suffixes at the simultaneously: bilingualism, unsupportive, remediation, intervention).

Author Biography

Yulia Tsymbal, Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова



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SECTION VІ. Linguogeography, Sociolinguistics, Onomastics, and Terminology: Current Approaches, Categories, and Aspects