Structural Organization of the Concept Human in the Phraseology of the East Steppe Ukrainian Dialects.
areal phraseological unit, concept human, code of culture, phraseoideographic classification, axiological classificationAbstract
The concept human has been positioned as one of the main segments of the conceptual picture of the world of Ukrainian and structured into four components: 1) conceptual one that involves the review of human’s definitions in the lexicographical works; 2) descriptive one that is represented by secondary sign system; 3) semantic one that is represented by the phraseoideographic paradigm of the areal phraseological units and 4) estimative one that is formed by the axiological classification of the areal phraseological units. Conceptual component provides the interpretation of a human as a natural and social creature who has consciousness and language, can think, work effectively, evolve creating own history and national culture. Descriptive component has been formed by the somatic, subject, zoomorphic, anthropic, phytomorphic, natural, gastronomic, spiritual, quantitative, temporal, mythological, actional, sensor, spatial, qualificative, speech codes. Semantic component has been simulated by the phraseological and semantic groups ‘Character’, ‘Appearance’, ‘Physical state’, ‘Intellectual abilities’, ‘Communication’, ‘Emotional state’, ‘Social characteristics’, ‘Age characteristics’, and estimative component by the negative evaluative, positive evaluative, neutral evaluative areal phraseological units with the absolute predominance of the negative estimation that is more detailed representation of the negative portrait of a human in the phraseology of the East Steppe Ukrainian dialects.References
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