Functional Load of Scientific Linguistic School in Modern University Space System.
science ethnos, linguo-patriotism, classic linguistic scientific school, effective scientific school, scientific ideology, scientific style of thinking, tradition, functional load of scientific schoolAbstract
In the article it has been emphasized that a scientific school must ensure a gradual development of the knowledge. The preparation of a new generation of scientists includes the knowledge of the ethnos of science (its values and scientific ideals). The process the science development consists in the very understanding of a mere fact that the innovations grow from the traditions. To understand the functions of a scientific school it is important to realize the presence of an original style of a scientific thinking. A scientific school is connected with a common scientific ideology. An effective scientific school is typical of linguo-patriotism, deep knowledge and plunging into national scientific traditions, the problem and thematic broadness as well as the chronological broadness of its functioning. A contemporary Ukrainian linguistic school is based on the previous experience of a scientific activity that dates back to the pre-independent period of a Ukrainian state, – during the period of the Russian Empire, the USSR period, under conditions of a forced emigration of the famous Ukrainian scientists whose activity represents the different scientific university schools because the scientific work of any famous scientist began in a certain university. The achievements of Ukrainian linguistics are mainly based on the activity of the famous, huge scientific schools and a typical relation: a teacher – a pupil, a teacher – a disciple. This kind of relation is peculiar to the university activity. Every pupil, disciple becomes a representative of a certain scientific university school and only in the university he obtains a certain ground for his views and correspondent approaches to the understanding of the methodological fundamentals of the science. The development of Ukrainian linguistics took place in the scientific schools owing to a certain inheritance as well as contradiction among these schools. The historical peculiarities of the birth, the development, the stagnation of these scientific schools got its reflection in the history of Ukraine. It‘s evident that a certain struggle among these schools facilitates the development of a scientific thought, enlarges the knowledge, facilitates the progress, though the ideological factors ruin and hamper the development of Ukrainian scientific schools, because in the history of Ukrainian science witnessed a total extermination .of the famous scientists, the repressions, the isolation from a Ukrainian society, the activity ban, the imprisonment or emigration.References
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