Pronunciation of Groups of Sounds of Ukrainian Respondents of Transnistria: Standart and Deviation.


  • M. Druzhynets Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова (м. Одеса, Україна)


social inquiry, persistent and weak norms of pronunciation, deviation, whistling, sizzling, linguistic [d], [t], simplification in groups of consonants, Transnistria


The modern youth of Transnistria mainly reflects the simplification in the consortium groups, adheres to the two laws of orthoepia, which are the pronunciation of whistling before the sizzling and vice versa. In particular, 74% of the Transnistrian students have the norms of pronouncing whistling before sizzling, 66% - sizzling before whistling. But the greatest difficulty arises when pronouncing [д] before whistling and sizzling. This norm is used only in speeech of the students of philology specialty in Ukrainian language and literature. But that is not all, pronunciation [д] as [дз], [д] as [дж] is in general the least learned orthoeceptic phenomenon, therefore, we treat it as unstable and often violated.

We can draw parallels between the modern Ukrainian pronunciation and the monuments, which recorded the changes that took place in the speech and which are orphoepic norm now. The same verbal peculiarities of sound compositions that were not recorded in monuments or were recorded occasionally, belong to the unstable and often violated although they have now become orthoepic ones.

Author Biography

M. Druzhynets, Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова (м. Одеса, Україна)

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри української мови, докторант


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SECTION VІ. Linguogeography, Sociolinguistics, Onomastics, and Terminology: Current Approaches, Categories, and Aspects