Genesis of the Concept "Aventurismo" and Its Role in Formation of the National Conceptual Sphere of Spain.
nationally-tagged concept, semantic-cognitive analysis, synchrony, diachrony, concept‘s prototype core, associative connectionsAbstract
The effectiveness of person‘s interaction with other people is greatly facilitated by predisposition to adventurism which is an inalienable feature of the Spanish mentality. The nationally-tagged concept aventurismo is strictly connected with its associative ties to all basic units of the Spanish conceptual sphere, such as honor, fe, caballería, corrida, tolerancia and others. Its language representatives are widespread in the language world view of Spain.
Extensive associative connections and constant interaction with other concepts of the Spanish national conceptual sphere caused dynamic development of meaningful and axiological components of the concept contributing to the formation of its secondary prototypic core and development of semantic meaning of words verbalizing it in the language world view.
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