Subsign Fixation of Lingvocultural Content in Derivative Kinship Terms (Based on Ukrainian and Polish Languages of the Second Half of the XIXth Century).
affix, derivative nomination, base of derivation, communicative relevance, lingvocultural content, verbalization, cultural meaning, kinship terms.Abstract
An important role in formation of the cultural-reflective potential of the derivative plays a combination of the semantics of the creative word and the word-formation value of the affix in the process of wordbuilding nomination. The formant (subsign) expresses the component of the derivative`s meaning: denotative, significative or connotative. The largest cultural reflective potential has nominations with connotated inner form and connotated affix (for ex. мачуха/macocha). Somewhat less cultural reflective potential have derivatives with only connotated inner form (for ex. вдівець/wdowiec) or connotated affix (for ex. пасинок). Relatively lower cultural reflective potential is given to the nominations of relatives, in which subsign displays the significative component of the meaning (for ex. сестрінець/siostrzeniec). The smallest cultural reflective potential have Ukrainian and Polish nominations, in which subsign displays the denotative component of the meaning (for ex. прадід/ pradziad).References
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