Sports Jargon in the Ukrainian Language at the End of the XX and Beginning of the ХХІ Centuries.


  • O. Styshov Інститут філології Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка (м. Київ, Україна)


sports jargon units, jargon, thematic group, word formation, discourse, function


Sports jargon represents an extremely dynamic subsystem, which being under the influence of extraand intralingual factors is constantly enriched with new and interesting lexical units that serve the development of the Ukrainian national language. As a result of the analysis of sports jargon we have singled out seven thematic groups denoting persons and ten groups signifying common names. We have found out that main sources of sports jargon update and enrichment are word formation based on specific vocabulary and foreign sources (almost 90% of the analyzed words) as well as borrowed entries (over 10%). The paper also reveals stylistic features of the analyzed units functioning in conversational, journalistic, and artistic styles.

Author Biography

O. Styshov, Інститут філології Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка (м. Київ, Україна)

доктор філологічних наук, професор кафедри української мови


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SECTION ІІІ. Functional Semantics of Lexical and Phraseological Units