The Mode of Forming of the Double Subordinating-Predicative Syntactic Connection in the Structure of Simple Sentence.


  • N. Kobchenko Інститут філології Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка (м. Київ, Україна)


dual-syntactic connection, dual subordinated predicative connection, subordinating-predicative connection, syntactic triplet, duplexes, predicative attribute, depictive predicate


: In the syntactic triplets of structural model Vf+S4+Adj4,5, a substantive in accusative is subordinate on a verb and in the same time it is in the bilateral, interrelated connection with an adjective. It causes the involving an adjective in the orbit of subordination to this verb. The subordinating-predicative syntactic connection has the mediate character, because the line of connection between the verb and the adjective realizes with the help of the substantive. The verb as a member of the syntactic triplet of structural model Vf+S4+Adj4,5 has semantics of moving, external influence on an object, getting, keeping and getting rid of an object, perception, attitude and mental acting. It is important to differ them from pseudo-triplets – the constructions of structural model Vf+S4+Adj5//S5, that include verbs meaning the providing some property to a subject.

Author Biography

N. Kobchenko, Інститут філології Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка (м. Київ, Україна)

кандидат філологічних наук, докторант кафедри української мови та прикладної лінгвістики


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How to Cite

Kobchenko, N. (2018). The Mode of Forming of the Double Subordinating-Predicative Syntactic Connection in the Structure of Simple Sentence. Linguistic Studies, 53-60. Retrieved from



SECTION ІІ. Theoretical Issues of Syntax