Nominalization in academic discourse: translation-related aspect


  • Natalia Ivanytska Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics



transposition; interlanguage transformation; nominalization transformation; verb; academic discourse


Transposition in the modern translation studies mostly means the replacement of a word of the source language of one part of the language with a word of another part of the language of the target language in the process of translation or its acquisition of another morphological category. One of the varieties of transposition is nominalization. The nominalization increases nominative elements in the text and reduces verbal elements (or functions).

Author Biography

Natalia Ivanytska , Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor


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How to Cite

Іваницька , Н. (2022). Nominalization in academic discourse: translation-related aspect. Linguistic Studies, 75-86.



SECTION IV Issues of Text Linguistics, Discourse Studies, and Cognitive Linguistics