Models of Social Situation Concepts in the Scope of Perceptual Designations


  • Oleh Demenchuk Rivne State University of Humanities



model; conceptualization; categorization; perceptual; concept of social situation; person’s social space


Focusing on a dynamic conceptualization of the world of discourse (of a certain situation or its fragment), the approach declares a new conception of linguistic items’ semantics modelling. It is posited that the content of a linguistic item is arranged through a sampling of a polycentric model, structured as a set of alternative, hierarchically established semantic dimensions. The approach accords with the assumption on a multidimensional nature of cognition modelling, as well as with the theoretical premises on how multidimensional situations are modeled.

Author Biography

Oleh Demenchuk , Rivne State University of Humanities

доктор філологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри романо-германської філології


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How to Cite

Деменчук, О. . (2022). Models of Social Situation Concepts in the Scope of Perceptual Designations. Linguistic Studies, 72-80.



SECTION IІ. Issues of Text Linguistics, Discourse Studies, and Cognitive Linguistics