The Concept Of "Ethnicity" In British Dictionaries (On The Materials Of Oald And ALDCE Dictionaries)
ethnicity; illustrative context; concept; representations of ethnicity; katoikonymov; ethnochoronyms; politically correct ethnonyms; tokensAbstract
The study of the essence and features of the representation of different groups of tokens related to the concept of ethnicity, will demonstrate how language contributes to social and psychological processes in society and its development, and how it affects the formation of ethnic identity. Examining the linguistic features of varieties of ethno-labeled tokens and the ways of their use in the languages of different ethnic groups, we can find out how paradigms change in the social approach to understanding interethnic communication and tolerant coexistence of different nations and peoples.
Melnyk, N., Representation of Ethnicity in Lexicographic Discourse. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 13(1) January-March, 2021: 1–18. DOI: HTTPS://DX.DOI.ORG/10.21659/RUPKATHA.V13N1.22 (Web of Science, Scopus)
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