Middle English Names of Artists: Origin and Usage.


  • О. Dobrovolska Ужгородський національний університет (м. Ужгород, Україна)


Middle English, occupational terms, functional differentiation, etymology


Middle English occupational terms are distributed into two classes – common names (in their classifying function) and proper names, especially family names (in the function of identification of the person as the component additional to the personal name in the personal nomination formulas). Within each etymological group of vocabulary we distribute the lexical material according to the functional principle and distinguish three groups of occupational terms: those functioning exclusively as common nouns; those functioning exclusively as proper names in the personal nomination formulas; those functioning as common names as well as proper names. According to the functional principle of the distribution of the vocabulary and on quantitative calculations we draw the conclusions about the degree of sustainability of the usage of borrowed occupational terms: we consider English words, loan-blends as well as the assimilated borrowings that functioned as the common names and proper names to be the words with the established (settled) usage; we consider English words, loan-blends and the assimilated borrowings that existed only as the proper name in the nomination formula to be the words with the unsettled usage; we consider English words, loan-blends and the assimilated borrowings that existed exclusively as common names to be the words with the restricted usage.


О. Dobrovolska, Ужгородський національний університет (м. Ужгород, Україна)

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов факультету іноземної філології


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Dobrovolska О. (2018). Middle English Names of Artists: Origin and Usage. Лінгвістичні студії, 68-76. Abgerufen von https://jlingst.donnu.edu.ua/article/view/5577



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